Information HQ
What is District Training?
District ODP training is not just about the tryout process, but it provides yet another avenue from which players can grow and develop. While a player’s club is his/her “home”, district ODP training provides an environment where players are playing with and against the best players in their respective district. It is also gives the state ODP staff a chance to work with, train and gather additional information on the players before the inter-district play.
After the District ODP training sessions (two of which will be play days amongst the district pools) the state ODP pool will then be selected and the state ODP pool training will begin. Scouting will be used to supplement the tryouts by identifying players that we either missed or deserve to be back in the program.
High-level players that purposely bypass the district training in hopes of going straight into the state pool training exhibit characteristics that are not conducive to top-flight soccer. We are looking for players to play for the state that exhibit the skill as well as the character and work ethic to train at all levels of the program.
Training Session Attire
Beginning Fall 2023, ODP District Pool Players can purchase their kit from soccer.com. Search “Virginia Youth Soccer Association” for Team Store Name.